Daily Prayers
In the light of Covid-19/Corona Virus outbreak the daily prayers were suspended due to public health concerns and local regulations, for details please see the official CIMIC Announcement
CIMIC has now reopened in a phased wise approach for prayers, starting with Phase-1 from July, 4th with Duhar and Maghrib prayers and then moving to Phase-II from July, 18th encompassing all daily prayers including Jumma/Friday prayers.
*Please see the detailed guidelines for reopening on the announcement page, and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the guidelines.
Friday Prayers
In the light of Covid-19/Corona Virus outbreak the Friday prayers were suspended due to local regulations and public health concerns, for related details please see the official CIMIC Announcements
Update: Friday prayers resumed as part of Phase-II of reopening, details here
Eid Ul Adha
Tuesday July, 21st is the 30th of Dhu Al Qaeda, and Wednesday, July 22, will mark the first of Dhu Al Hijja.
*First day of Eid Al Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu Al Hijja / one day after Arafat Day
Friday, July 31, will mark the first day of Eid Al Adha
Update: Virtual Eid Khutba details now updated here
Ramadan 2020
The Fiqh Council of North America, & ISNA, have announced that the first day of fasting will be on Friday, April 24th, No Tarwaeeh prayers scheduled currently due to Covid-19 shut down
Visit our Ramadan 2020 Resource page for virtual services and community efforts during Covid-19 shut down
- Eid ul Fitr will be on Sunday, May 24th. Eid Prayer details will be shared once we have additional guidance from CUPHD and Ibadat committee.
Ramadan Iqamah Schedule <Iqamah suspended due to Covid>
To do: khutba details (last khutba text/video box), evaluation form new
To do: add new content for Ramadan here, link to iftar lists, photos of previous cimic iftars etc.
- Download the full monthly prayer calendar