
The Fiqh Council of North America, & ISNA, have announced that the first day of fasting will be on Saturday, April 2nd.

Tarwaeeh prayers will be held nightly at CIMIC based on Covid-19 Masjid guidelines, and will also be broadcasted live, see details on our worship page and CIMIV Live events page


See detailed guidelines for Ramadan below, additionally visit our Ramadan -2022 dedicated page “Ramadan  2022” for in-person and virtual services, community support efforts during these testing times

  • Full Ramadan Prayer Schedule is here
  • Eid ul Fitr will be on Monday, May 2nd. In-person and Virtual Eid Prayer details based on guidance from CUPHD and Ibadat committee are going to be published on CIMIC Eid Page.
  • Zakat ul Fitr ($12/person) can be paid directly here, additionally please donate to the Annual Ramadan fundraiser for CIMIC
  • *Eid Prayer Details Announcement will be published here when available
Read and view a special message from Imam Ousmane Sawadogo for the community

Detailed guidelines and Information for Ramadan

* The above document can also be downloaded by clicking on this link

Please Follow all Masjid safety rules