Please join us and show your support for the cause of justice
May 23rd, @ 2PM
The CIMIC community stands in solidarity against the continued attacks on Palestinians and their right to self-determination of their destiny. Together we condemn the aggressive and apartheid regime in Israel and ask our representatives at the State and Federal level to stop the support and not use our tax dollars to help this regime openly break all United Nations laws and policies.
We condemn the attempts of the Israeli government to force the residents of Sheikh Jarrah out of their homes. We condemn the brutal and lethal use of force against innocent civilians that included women and children and request our State and Federal officials to stand in solidarity in protecting the basic human rights of the Palestinian people.
We request all law-abiding and peace-loving people of this great State of Illinois to stand together for Justice. Let us all stand together to promote peace during this pandemic and protect those who are oppressed.
*CIMIC Social committee is part of the organization for this event